The executive committee meet monthly. If you would like to contact us or raise a concern please contact us.
The current 2024 committee;

President – Samuel Irvine Casey
I’m stoked to remain in the role of President, having previously served five years as Treasurer and as Vice President (Seniors).
Bowman Park has been my home for 24 years and I’m honoured to be in a position to give back to the community that has given so much to me.
I am privileged to be able to build on the strong foundations left by past Presidents and my focus on facility improvements including upgraded lighting and playing surfaces and continue our commitment to support the growth of women’s football.
Bardon Latrobe FC is a great community club and I’m going to do everything I can to ensure our members from 5 to 45+ continue to experience the same joy and sense of pride that I do when putting on the Red & White.

Secretary – Bryony Ascough
This is my second year as secretary of Bardon Latrobe.
Iam looking forward to the challenge and opportunity to represent this wonderful club on another level. 2024 will be my fifth season with the Ladies Over 30’s team. My son Bayley has been playing at Bardon since under 6’s. Following the Womens’ World Cup being played in Australia and New Zealand, it is so exciting to be a part of a community soccer club that promotes and encourages all their players – male or female – to enjoy this wonderful game and to have fun.

Vice President (MiniRoos) – Gerard Doyle
I’m honoured to continue in the role of VP miniroos.
I’ve been a Bardon parent coach for the last six years and an age coordinator for one of those.
I’m excited to focus on the critical U6-12 age groups and look forward to harnessing football’s increased excitement and status with our kids.
I’m looking forward to increasing the support of our outstanding parent coaches and improving our talented player pathways.

Vice President (Seniors) – Ross Parker
I’m delighted to be returning as Vice President (Seniors) on the committee.
My main aim is to put the support structures in place to ensure on field success for our FQPL, Metro and Over’s teams.
Whilst as a club we have increased female participation in recent seasons we still have a long way to go for parity and I will continue to advocate for our members.

Vice President (Juniors) – Vacant
The club is calling for volunteers for a Vice President (Juniors)

Treasurer – Ian Murray
I recently joined the club as a parent of two young children in the Miniroos programme. I was immediately impressed by the club’s culture and the dedication of its committee and many other volunteers.
During football season, the highlight of my week is taking in the community atmosphere of Bowman Park on a Saturday morning as I watch my kids’ matches and many others taking place.
I have a background in finance and became treasurer starting from the 2022 season. I look forward to supporting the committee and being involved in building on some of the great work that has happened in recent years to grow the club, invest in facilities, and provide the best member experience possible for everyone in the community.

Facilities manager – Mark Keane
This will be my 11th year being involved with Bardon Latrobe Football Club and in that time there has been significant improvements to the facilities at the club. I endeavour to continue the progress that has been made in supporting football at Bowman Park.
The improvement to the turf at Bowman Park has been the biggest accomplishment for the small group of volunteers who make up the fields team. In 2024 we will see the best turf ever at Bowman Park!
There is always room on the mowing roster if anyone is keen to get involved with the team.

Registrar – Phil Cowlishaw
Having retired from the President’s role in 2020 – I continue to enjoy contributing to the committee as the Registrar. I’m here to help our members & players register at the club and ensure the fees are equitable and fair.
I’m also heavily involved with maintaining and improving the facilities and you’ll see me at the club mowing and repairing goals.
Finally I’m passionate that our players and families get to experience our welcoming and friendly club culture and get to play the best football they can whether they are 4 or 64 years old.

Marketing and Communications Manager – Ryan Taylor
I have been involved with Bardon Latrobe for over 10 years in a number of different roles.
I am proud to have played a part in the progress the club has enjoyed in that time and communicating to the members and community.
2024 will be a significant year for the club.
Non committee roles

General Manager – Karen Dickson
I am thrilled to continue in the position of General Manager.
I have already served 7 years on the committee as Secretary.
I am a mother of boys who play at the club and I am also a player in the O30s Women team.
It is exciting to see the increase in womens football at Bardon Latrobe. I hope we can encourage more to join the game.
I look forward to managing the club’s operations and administration to ensure a positive experience for all those who are a part of our family and community of Bowman Park.

Community Liaison Officer – Seweryn Bialasiewicz
Seweryn assists the committee in the role of Community Liaison Officer.
As a near resident to Bowman Park he is passionate about ensuring residents views are heard and considered alongside the provision of football to our members.
Seweryn also works tirelessly to apply for grants and funding on behalf of the club.