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Exciting News – Upgrade to Field 1

Exciting News:  We are thrilled to announce that our main field is about to receive a much-needed upgrade as part of a joint project between the Bardon Latrobe FC and the Brisbane City Council.  The vast majority of funds have been granted by the BCC, with the Club making its own contribution thanks to the Facilities Levy contributed by all players.

Whilst we had hoped the works would be completed prior to the commencement of the season, the tender process and the recent wet weather have delayed the start of the project.  We will need to be patient during the start of the season, while some matches and training on the fields are limited, but the resulting upgrade will be well worth it.

The schedule for the upgrade is fluent, and highly influenced by wet-weather.  On Friday we were advised of key dates including;

18th March     Security fencing installed

16th April        Field 1 ready for use (subject to Council sign-off)


The upgrade to Field 1 will include;

Installation of an irrigation system,

Installation of Wintergreen Turf to the main wear areas of the field,

Weed removal and aeration,

Top dressing and seeding to the remainder of the field.


We will monitor the amount of training space available as the project continues, and work with team coaches and managers to provide the optimum area for training.  Please watch for updates on the website or follow us on our new Facebook page

Our sincere thanks to the Brisbane City Council, all club members who have contributed via the facilities levy, and those club members who have been actively involved in driving the upgrade project with the council.


Rob Wheeler


Bardon Latrobe FC


  1. Howdy Rob
    Given that the contractors have done nothing to the field since before Easter, and it is now the 12th, what are the chances that the field will be playable by 16th?

    1. Hi Hugh

      Work was halted whilst our rep from BCC put in a request for more funding in an attempt to get additional ‘mature’ turf for the field. The updated expected date for completion is now 12th May (weather permitting, of course).

      We have notified Football Brisbane of the further delay, and we are currently working with them to relocate affected matches.



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