The Bardon Latrobe Football Club Annual General Meeting took place on Wednesday November 2 at the clubhouse.
Michael Watts gave his President’s report. Which is available to read here.

Michael Watts, Steve Jones and Karen Dickson stepped down from the positions of President, Vice-President Juniors and Secretary respectively.
Each member was thanked for countless hours of volunteering to the club.
Office bearers for 2023 were elected as follows:
President | Samuel Irvine Casey |
Treasurer | Ian Murray |
Secretary | Bryony Ascough |
Senior Vice-President | Ross Parker |
Junior Vice-President | TBA – Vacant |
Miniroos Vice-President | Gerard Doyle |
Registrar | Phil Cowlishaw |
Facilities Manager | Mark Keane |
Marketing and Communications Manager | Ryan Taylor |
Registration Fees were proposed for 2023 but will be accepted and agreed upon at the next Budget Meeting.
Information Day was set for Sunday February 5, 2023 in the morning (9am-12pm).
Management meeting dates were set for first Wednesday of every month.